Should I cut the tip of the vine when it gets to the other side? Thoughts?
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John from shares with you the winter squash he is growing vertically up a trellis. In this episode you will learn more about the kakai pumpkin that produces hull-less seeds. You will also learn about how long a kakai pumpkin can be stored and still remain good.
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  • whittle4u

    I see, yeah Ive learned alot since then. first time growing on my own, next time will be different, the watermelon didn't do good at all, this year I may just plant summer squash, and butternut only on the trellis planted further apart, rattlesnake beans taste really good, different, especially raw, thanks

  • truthdefender54

    The "feely things" are called tendrils. By now you probably realize squash have an effect on the taste of your watermelons. They should always be planted very far apart at a minimum of 20 ft. apart to prevent that from happening. Squash with squash, melons with melons.
    I love your trellis structure using the livestock panels because those will hold up for decades.
    If you have 2 or 3 squashes on a vine, pruning will help those fruit grow larger in size.

  • truthdefender54

    The "feely things" are called tendrils. By now you probably realize squash have an effect on the taste of your watermelons. They should always be planted very far apart at a minimum of 20 ft. apart to prevent that from happening.
    I love your trellis structure using the livestock panels because those will hold up for decades.
    If you ever plan to do any seed saving you'll have limit yourself to one melon variety or one squash variety if you can't get them over 200 ft. apart.

  • Heidi Bee

    I like your trellis. Question: why would you cut any of the flowers off, and how do you know if their male or female? Thanks for the video and the lesson on not to plant them to close together.

  • Bite-Size Gardens

    Have you tried a solution of vinegar, baking soda, soap and canola oil?
    I use it as a general pest control where needed. Use a table spoon of each of these ingredients and mix in a gallon of water. Spray where needed.

  • GratitudeRanch

    My favorite seed company is HighMowingSeeds and they sell these punkins' as well as TONS of other stuff- and all non GMO organic! Yay!
    Thanks again John! Have you looked into Companion planting?

  • okhomestead

    I too trellis our squash plants. Currently I am getting over-run with squash bugs! Any organic methods to get rid of them? I have far to many to rely on manually killing them. Any ideas?

  • Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens

    Nothing Special. They were just sitting on the kitchen counter. Other than that, the QUALITY and store-ability of the produce has to do with the cellular structure of the produce, which has to do with the soil they are grown in. So I enriched my soil with rock dust minerals. I have several videos on this. I also grow in organic compost, and ensure my soil is full of a wide-spectrum of nutrients.

  • Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens

    Thats a waste of these "special" pumpkin seeds. They were so good dehydrated. yumm.. I prefer fresh made coconut milk than seed/nut milks.

  • Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens

    yes, I have grown muskmelons up the trellis. Please check my other videos for a video on growing melons up a trellis.

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